We’ll Do It Live… E3 2018>>June 12, 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Publishers and developers from around the world take to the stage to share what’s in store with announcements abound.

Well, friends, we have a very exciting announcement of our own. This Thursday we’ll be taking the stage on Twitch’s E3 live stream to share brand new gameplay footage from The Endless Mission and do some live Q&A. We’ll be showing the first community-made games in action as well as some brand new mashups.

WHEN: Thursday, June 14th @ 12:45pm PST

WHERE: Twitch’s Official Channel (http://twitch.tv/twitch)

WHY: Because we like you

Be sure to stick around immediately after our segment because we’ve also got the 1pm slot too.  Weird, maybe we’ve got something extra special planned? Maybe something else to talk about? Perhaps we’ve said too much. 🤐